Friday, December 16, 2011

8 days and counting.....

Head on over to Oh So Posh Photography for their give away....she is giving away a Nikon D90 camera....
Look around while you are there....she has amazing stuff....

 Our family Christmas card picture....what a handsome crew they them all......

On another note....I have finished my Christmas sewing projects....-------- for family...yeah....will post pics after the holiday....don't want to five away any particulars.....

My foot is healing nicely and I should be up and at it soon.   Right now just plugging away at the slow stuff...tomorrow gonna stand in one spot and make cookie dough with the help of my husband and son....they want cookies.....they need to

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas is coming.....

December update.  I have my shopping 1/2 done and my projects partially completed and now I am on the couch nursing a surgerized foot....I know it's not a word, but it described my predicament....I need a plan to complete my  Christmas agenda.  I ordered family picture Christmas cards last night and should be able to pick them up tomorrow on the way to Dr.'s office....check.  I have ideas in writing for most of the rest of my gift list....check.   As soon as I can get out I will complete the shopping.  Getting a "roll a bout" tomorrow so navigating my house will be easier....check.  Mix some cookie dough with husband as soon as he gets home from hunting, bake them....with help.  Finish some crochet projects....waiting for instructions on that....finish those mittens for my girls....waiting on roll a bout....I have a plan, just needs a little time to implement.....

In the mean time here are 3 of THE most beautiful grandchildren in the case you don't get my Christmas card.....