Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sunny Sunday

It's February and I just noticed it, the days are getting longer. We just had two count them two incredibly nice days. It was -12 on Thursday and it hit 50 on Sat. I think I may have spring fever. I know, I know it is way to early but it has been an incredibly long winter. Hence my picture. There are actually little guys under that snow, can't you hear them calling "let me out, let me out, hey there let me outta here" I surely can. Santa and snowman are now visible on the deck. But today was again a nice sunny day. Not nearly so warm but sunny. I have been very domestic, cooking and cleaning and stuff like that. I also have a son soon moving into a new apartment. He needed some chair seats recovered and did that today also. Really is quite fun seeing him getting ready to move into his own place. We are so incredibly lucky, so many people loosing jobs and he managed to get a full time job. Graduated in July with an automotive degree and of coarse that is when everything tanked, but thankfully he found a job he likes and will pay the rent and he is very happy and thankfull and so are we, his parents. Well it's back to the work week tomorrow and my other job, but so wanting to make a new purse, that may be in the works for this week. Maybe that will stem my spring fever. Here are the chairs...Have a great week friends.