Monday, May 31, 2010

He’s a Senior

Being the parent of a high school senior is so much fun. This young man that has been the whole of your life is growing up and is on the brink of the world. You have done what you can and now he goes out to greet the world. You watch him making more and more decisions, doing more and more independently, being a real human and contributing to society. Those many questions of can he make it in the world and will he contribute start to be answered. You realize that in fact he is a man, he will make a difference, he can make it on his own. But for now we celebrate with him as he finishes an amazing baseball season, celebrates with friends and makes plans for the future. Christopher it has been an amazing ride, watching you grow from boy to man…

I wouldn’t have missed a minute of it… DSCN0639DSCN1005 DSCN1041 DSCN1193