Saturday, November 1, 2008

Crafty Saturday

Spent the day painting and sewing. Doesn't get any better than that. Sewed a new little wristlet in brown and blue tones. Gave it to my Daughter-In-Law for her birthday. She was thrilled. I was very happy with how it turned out and just plain forgot to take a picture. Oh well next time maybe. I have another one cut out just not put together. I am finishing up a lot of Snowmen pics. A variety and they should be done tomorrow so I am promising to post pics then of the "flakey little devils". But first church and brunch with mom then back to snowmen. My guys are all gone hunting so it's just me and the dogs for the weekend. Think I'll go watch a movie or TV without anyone "just checking the score real quick" during the commercial. HA HA, well you gotta love 'em.
Ta Ta for now...

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