Saturday, September 12, 2009

Lovin' my new serger and my first Artfire sale

I sold a purse on Artfire. I am so excited I can't stand it. This is my first Artfire sale and it felt great. Shipped the package today, Thank-you Jessica, hope you enjoy your new purse.

I bought a new serger this summer and have not had much time to try it. Been a little afraid of it as well. Well today I jumped right in. I LOVE IT!!! It really does sew like a dream. The thread did break and I had to rethread it and it was the chore that my friends all said it would be, but it was worth it when I began again to sew. I love the finished edges and I love not having to trim the edges. I really went to work on some scrub caps. 36 of them to be exact. I also started work on a few new bags for the ScrapBooks Galore and More. I make bags for a magnetic board she sells there. The pictures are of the old machine with all the caps piled on top and of the new serger with all the trimmings on the floor. What a mess but what an accomplishment. I love it!!!!

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