Monday, September 13, 2010

Something New

I tried something new and my Grand daughter Julianna is modeling it. I can crochet but not all that well...or so I thought. I found this pattern and made it in an evening. Pretty good for me. I can't even make a potholder in an evening. My sister Jeanne should be impressed by this as she is a speed crochet master. I however just enjoy the journey.

On another note, starting up the fall home crafting again. I need to get to it. Sure has been a fun summer. Lots of places to talk about and stories to share. I feel rejuvenated or should feel rejuvenated for fall. So for now it's more scrub hats and painting projects and maybe a few cutsie little girl hats for my dear Juju.

1 comment:

Cookie Gaynor said...

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